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A member registered Dec 15, 2020

Recent community posts

I questioned this question to make time in this game!

How to make a divider?

But why in my opinion this program is better than logisim?

Because logisim is boring to me.

Can you make a video on youtube about all your circuit you made it?

he said like logisim but the reality logisim more worse

Why Sebastian didn't update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't make All things the same on official video

this is not game , is just sim

how many updates per second in clock gate

i made new type of gates i named "d sr latch"

(1 edit)

and jk flip flop?

how do i make sr flip flop?

and infinite space and zooming

but you should don't add xor. add xnor

my username on os?

who is modder?

and me

Do you mean infinite space?

he mean in the official video is if Sebastian made an adder

will in binary number the left had a decimal number

what did you mean on user_name

if he ok why he didn't make update

update or mode

i use only windows 10 OS

and me

u the most man comment in this game

can u make infinite space mode?

I need another man to make a  mode had infinite space

I need mode plz!!!!!!

i need infinite space

i need infinity space

u sus

but i need part 3 please

but have a problem if man need to make 1kb is = 1024 bytes

are bytes = 8 bit how to make?

1 tb!!!!!! can make 1 pt I mean petabyte??????

you mean redstone???

how to download this??????????????????????????